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About Us

Vitality Music Workshops recognizes that there is a scarcity of music therapists available for the numerous residential care facilities in existence, and the profound impact that music, often seen as "magic medicine," can have on improving various aspects of life. 


A reality that emerged during the pandemic and at times, is still occurring today, was the closure of facilities to outside vendors.  This included entertainers, art therapists, music therapists, pet therapy providers, volunteers, and various other "non-essential " workers who had previously contributed to activity offerings.  This left some life enrichment providers to work even harder to supplement and fortify activity calendars.   Ongoing budget restraints have also had negative influences on the quality and frequency of outside therapists, performing groups, and various other vendors.  As the price of goods and services increase, budgets become more restrictive which results in fewer visits by outside vendors.


Nationwide, typical community offerings may include choices like:  BINGO, chair fitness,  chess, checkers, movie time, singalong to a video, puzzles, crafts, and coffee hour.  These are often low stimuli groups and they don't always win out as a number one choice over TV, books on tape, and napping.  


Vitality Music Workshops will teach registrants how to use recorded music to brighten up activity offerings, increase interest and participation, provide fresh new ideas, target wellness goals, and promote a positive and vibrant environment. Our workshop facilitators are devoted to providing an immersive and comfortable learning experience specifically designed to increase quality of life in residential care communities . 


Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for you!



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